Sport And Health

By Aphrodice R, 13th May 2011 Source

Sport and health really do go hand in hand. When you play a sport you’re fitter and healthier. You also get into great shape. You lose weight. And your energy levels rise.

When you do a sport it’s important for your health to drink plenty of water. Yes I know everybody says this. BUT, think about it. If you’re sweating you need to replace that fluid. And replacing that fluid with tea or coffee isn’t very sensible. You wouldn’t put diesel into a petrol engine would you? Of course you wouldn’t.

Drinking in moderation will help as well – even though you may want to wash away the cobwebs now and again. It’s like anything do everything in moderation.

Sport and health conclusion: there is a sport that will be right for you. You might have to try a few different sports but that will be an enjoyable process before you’ve found the right sport for you.

Sport Supplements

Taking supplements can be a good idea as well. Especially if you’re doing impact sports. A supplement like glucosamine can help rebuild your cartilage. Or a supplement such as vitamin C if you’re having to train hard for your sport such as a triathlon.

If you get muscle strains then you should contact a sports therapist. They’ll know how to massage your body so as to get you back being active as quickly as possible.

Our Mission

Union of Baptist Churches in Rwanda has a mission to preach people so that the gospel should be delivered to everybody in Rwanda as well as on this world!

People who receive Jesus Christ will be saved! Those who will not will perish !

Brief, UBCR helps people to build their spirtual life.